Johns Hopkins / CTY Test Preparation
We have a 100% passing rate!
Every year, the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) at Johns Hopkins University holds an international talent search to discover outstanding academic youth. In order to be eligible, students must score in the 95th percentile or higher on one or more subtests of a nationally recognized standardized test. Through this program, students and their families are able to discover the student's math and verbal abilities individually and on a national level. Upon qualification, students gain awards from Johns Hopkins University and Duke University programs, and receive further opportunities to enhance their education throughout high school as they will also be able to participate in Johns Hopkins University's online classes, summer programs, and family academic programs for life-long learning. At Perfect Score Academy, we help students tap into these financial and academic resources by preparing younger students for testing and guiding them through the application. Smart kids need CTY.
Three Ways to Join
6-10 students maximum
Lively, interactive lessons
Top-notch instructors
Entertaining, engaging sessions
Lesson-practice-review structure
Thoroughly covers all topics in depth
Regular feedback
Group activities for fun learning and retention-building
Transportation Available
2-3 students maximum
You can form your own group
One-on-one for a lower price
Added benefit of learning and interacting
Additional mentoring and coaching
Accelerated Improvement
Customized Curriculum
Personalized Feedback
More tutor options
Flexible scheduling options
Transportation available
Receive 100% of each minute and attention
Additional mentoring and coaching
Accelerated Improvement
Customized Curriculum
Personalized Feedback
Tailored to individual student’s learning style
More tutor options
Flexible scheduling options
Transportation available
Small Group Class
PSA group classes are designed to entertain and engage students as a way to enhance learning and retention. Our instructors ask questions, use hilarious examples, and bring the energy level up to make learning fun for all students.
6-10 students maximum
Lively, interactive lessons
Top-notch instructors
Entertaining, engaging sessions
Lesson-practice-review structure
Thoroughly covers all topics in depth
Regular feedback
Group activities for fun learning and retention-building
Transportation Available
Semi-Private 3xclusive Prep
Get the benefit of private tutoring at a group rate. Individualized tutoring of up to three students allows for a customized program and personalized instruction for each student to build core skills and confidence. You can create your own group of 2 or 3 students and schedule it when and where it is most convenient for your group.
2-3 students maximum
You can form your own group
One-on-one for a lower price
Benefit of learning with other students
Additional mentoring and coaching
Accelerated Improvement
Customized Curriculum
Personalized Feedback
More tutor options
Flexible scheduling options
Transportation available
Private 1 on 1 Prep
Receive affordable top-notch tutoring at PSA. We match your student with "perfect-fit" instructors that adapt to his/her learning style and needs. Students can be free from peer pressure and progress at their own pace so that learning is rewarding, enriching and fun.
Receive 100% of each minute and attention
Additional mentoring and coaching
Accelerated Improvement
Customized Curriculum
Personalized Feedback
Tailored to individual student’s learning style
Meets all of student's needs
More tutor options
Flexible scheduling options
Transportation available